
I totally lost my motivation. I don't know where. Oh actually, one reason is because of her. And it's also because of hungover. Kkkk


I was almost absent the class, but I thought even if I was absent I can't do anything today. so I decided to go to the class. 

Today, I had to work as a cashier, and today's manager isn't usually one who I like. So it makes me nervous.
Last day the manager said to me "you come around 4:15" despite shift is from 4:00. So last two days I went to the shop around 4:15. But today, suddenly the other staff said "You had to come 4:00. Do you know the rule?" Like this thing. Actually I didn't remember the details. THE OTHER STAFF is Japanese and I can't become to like her. I can't explain but I don't like how she talks. And today, she doesn't have to say something to me even if I take a mistakes, she told me THAT thing. It was super annoying, wasn't it?? Oh I'm still upset, a little bit.


I don't know the reason I didn't have to be a cashier, so I can work comfortably. It was really good for me. 

The end of working, customers gave us some coins, and at that time I tried to bring dishes to the kitchen, so I put tips in my pocket for the moment.

Customers gave tips to us not only me, so I had to put tips into the tip box. But tips gonna be the ship's money, so I tried to get POCKET money. In a blink of an eye, I chose one coin and move it another pocket. After working I checked it, and it was $2.00!!!!!! What a lucky girl am I 🤪🥰😂💓🙏🏽


I have to make sure my time.....