
Omg I'm totally hungover because of yesterday's drinking party. I thought I wasn't drunk but everyone said to me "did u remember last night?" "U were so cute." So I have no idea but I did something. Haha




we had a party with classmates. Except 1 girl, everybody could come. Big drinking party makes me nervous. I'm a kind of FUN person, so I always think "I have to make this atmosphere fun." I know. I don't have to think in this way. And even if I don't try to make fun, a drinkin party gonna be fun. I know, but I can't stop thinking. Lol why am I so sensitive. Haha



Mimi is the only one girl who is younger than me, and 3 girls are same age as me. Others are older than me, so everybody spoiled me. Haha. I really like people who are older than me. It's comfortable for me. Everybody's really good at listening to story. I think I talked much. Oh, it's as usual. Lol.


Anyway, I had a really good time with them.

I really like a drinking party.