Entries from 2019-12-17 to 1 day


お昼までゆっくり寝て、ご飯作って食べて、お昼寝して、みみみんごにちょっと会えて、元気もらえちゃって、バイトして、 てかマネージャーがいないバイトは 控えめに言って最高だった!!!! 怒りん坊のマネージャーじゃないときは別にいいんだけど、むしろ…


I forgot a reason, NOO, I wanted to wash my clothes so I started a laundry machine at first. And I ate Ramen and rice, and finished all preparing. It was a good timing a laundry machine also just finished. At that time, I realised. I didn'…