
Already the middle of November!?

I can't believe it and don't wanna believe it. I like the school and teachers. Of course, I love my friends but you know? we can see whenever we want even after graduated. But the school is only right now. It's super sad. Sometimes classes are boring, cuz it's quite basic level so I know already. But I can discover other perspectives, it makes me fun. For example, "passive". In junior high, we learned how to make and use passive sentences. I didn't remember details but it was just "changing subjects". When you want to use object as subject, you have to put an object in the beginning of a sentence and remove verb. After object (already turn to subject), we have to put be-verb and original verb change to past participate. That's all. I think we learned "how to" but didn't learn "why". Julie told us the reasons. I think she told us 3 reasons but I already forgot 2 reasons. Lmao.Anyway, the reason I still remember is Emphasizing. When we want to have big meanings on Object, passive sentences work effectively.  For example, I don't like Sushi. Everybody knows. lol


Haruka made this sushi.

This sushi was made by Haruka. 

Can you get the difference? 
Can I use Japanese?





There is the difference in those sentences. We can focus on Haruka. I didn't have this perspective so I was impressed. 

Every single day, I can learn new things. It's super comfortable for me. 

and nowadays I think about same thing over and over again. I'm totally confused. Eventually it's because of lowness of my mental age. How can I figure it out? Lol


Anyway it's time to study and sleep. LMAO