
I forgot to write!! Shit!! It's SUNDAY already.


Friday was the training day. I already know it's not hard day. But it's also super hard to do nothing. And unless there is nothing to do, I have to wake up super early and keep awake. It's kind of nightmare.


I arrived there at 6:40, I started working from 7:00, and our free time began at 7:30. Jesus.

We couldn't get residents' information, so it's difficult to recognize residents' face and name. Plese give us some information...


At breakfast time, I helped one resident to eat. He couldn't eat by himself, but cheawing and swallowing were all good. I gave him a piece of bread. That bread had crusts and he didn't want to eat so tried to remove it. But he were almost sleeping, so he pulled his teak sttongly. At first, I couldn't realize his action. Suddenly I understood and it's difficult to bear not to laugh. Hahaha.


I spend at staff room for 30 mins to eat one apple.

I walked super slowly.

I kept breathing.

It was a long day.


Look at me... My feeling disappered and my face was super ugly... Hahaha



Back to home, I took a shower asap and took a nap.



When Mika and Vivi came back home, I still slept.

They wanted to do volleyball. I really didn't want to go, but you know, I am super kind to friends. Hahaha. So I got up and went to park with them.


It was Friday night so there were a lot of people in the park.


3 little boys joined us, we played volleyball together.

I think they were still 9 or 10, they were super cute.

I had a good time with them.


After Yuri came back home, we did レモンサワー party again.

We kept drinking until 3 AM. 


I had a class on Saturday... I am really bad at getting up in the morning...

Why did I always take same mistakes?