Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year


Why can't I wake up every Saturday. I can't come the school on time. I want to know the reason. Anyway, today was Mary's first day. Last week I saw her in the school, she was similar to characters of "Alice in the wonderland" so I named he…


毎週金曜日ブログ書けなくて日本語で書いてる気がしてきたな 実習午後シフトと交換したんですけど、早起きしなくていい気楽さと、バス一本で行ける楽さが最高でした。早起き嫌いなわけじゃないし、なんなら早起きすること好きなんだけど、朝は劇的に苦手なの…


Monday- class, working Tuesday- class, drinking Wednesday- class, working Thursday- class, working Friday- workplacement until night Saturday- class, working Sunday- sleeping without alarm, working It's my life in Sydney. I can see my best…


My soulmate Asa!! Happy birth day my dear I love u from the bottom of my heart. Ur always in my heart. Whatever I always cheer u. Good luck my dear. I know u can figure out everything. As usual, I can't recognise the differences between Ch…


Omg 書こう書こうと思ってたら1日終わろうとしてるよ?なんだこりゃ Julie携帯いじってると目ざとく突っ込んでくるから授業中無理でしょ 休憩時間はびっくりするくらい喋ってるでしょ お昼寝(15〜20分)するでしょ バイトでしょ 今でしょ 無理だよね、時間な…


Do u often think about ur death? Why are we afraid of death? If u can know the specific date of ur death, do u wanna know? How deep is this topic. It's definitely not good topic on Monday. Lol Anyway, I always think about death. I think it…


I learned the word "chilling" and also how dangerous is chilling. Summer is coming but it's not too hot so it's the best season to spend a time outside. I miss summer but I know I'll miss this season when I'm in summer. Haha I slept until …


I wanted to wake up 7:30 but I woke up 7:22. It was aweful. I was able to keep sleeping 8 more mins. So after toileting I decided to sleep again. Even if it's a little bit time, it's important for me. But of corse I can't wake up again. Ha…


Omg every Friday I have no time to write the blog... Anyway, workplacement day I always trust my friends so I don't watch google maps, but I forgot my friends are a little bit stupid. For of us went away the correct bus stop. Lol What a st…


Omg Already the middle of November!? I can't believe it and don't wanna believe it. I like the school and teachers. Of course, I love my friends but you know? we can see whenever we want even after graduated. But the school is only right n…


You know, I really really like Christmas. I love Christmas. I think nobady loves Christmas more than me in Japan. Haha It's my first time of Summer Christmas. I had been so excited when I was in Japan. BUT It's quite difficult to adjust my…


りおな帰ってなんかついでに帰りたくなっちゃって、しかもテスとお別れしないとだし、何かもう感情がごちゃごちゃしちゃいます。 前に一人のお姉さんのステキな話聞いた時、自分がいかに恵まれてるかっていうのを改めて感じて、両親にも親戚にも友達にも本当…


I really really wanted to take a bath, and this morning my dream came true. It was totally earlier than I expected. Haha I'm the lucky girl. It was quite hard to wake up early in the morning, but I had to turn off the alarm the other side …


I really wanted to talk Asa cuz I wanna share my happy thing with her. She understands about me more than me so I need her opinion and idea. Haha Also I really like her voice and atmosphere when we're talking. Anyway we kept talking for an…


やばいやばい 溜めてしまったから日本語で 土曜の授業エミリーなんだけど、やっぱりエミリーが苦手だわぁ、、、ルビーがいい、、、そんなこと言ってもしかないんだけど、、、ルビー、、、 あと倫理と法律とかもう多動症の私には完全に守備範囲外すぎて、、、…


I don't know the reason but my blood pressure was still in high, I wasn't able to keep sleeping. So I woke up 4:45. lol last night I planed to wake up at 5:15 so it was a littile bit early. Last week I can't ariived on time cuz I overslept…


Oh, today was my 2 months anniversary!! I thought I might be homesick but I'm Okay from now. If anyway I'm much better than ever. I think I become to really like Sydney. And you know? It's super comfortable for me to study something. Okay …


What the hell?? Already 23:50!? When I tried to sleep, it was 23:00. What happened to me?? Anyway As usual, I want to the class. Oh I almost forgot. I wanted to finish this assignment, so I went to North Sydney around 8 AM. But I wasn't ab…


I can't call back my yesterday's memory well... Tess's leaving was enough for me to forget yesterday's things. She is really good at teaching, but her strong point is not only teaching. At first, I really respect her cuz she is Philippino,…


OMG two month that I came here will pass away. I can't believe it. Anyway I think I had a cold today, that's the reason why I can't wake up this morning. I didn't have headache anymore, but I kept coughing and having bad voice. But actuall…


Few weeks ago, I got a haircut only my bang. I really like it, and my friends also like it. So it makes me super happy. And I think this is girls' strong point that girls never miss piece of changes. Sometimes I adjust a little little bit …


2日も溜まってしまった!! もう日本語で捲し立てる!! 何でだか忘れたけど金曜の夜シャワー浴びてなくて?何でだっけか?ま、もう思い出せないから置いておいて、朝シャンしたら、洗濯もしたくね?ってなってしまって。08:30に出れば間に合うからって08:00…


OMG it's alreadyyyyyyy November!?!? Time flew!??! I can't believe it nor don't wanna believe it. Anyway Finally I DID over slept. It's me. I can explain. Please don't say it's excuse At first, it was the second day of period, and I closed …

Happy Halloween

Today was Happy Halloween. I'm loving in Christmas, and of course I'm not Christian, so Halloween doesn't make me fun. Oh, btw yesterday I watched "Supersize me" in the class. When I was in the elementary school, my mom rent from her frien…


I totally lost my motivation. I don't know where. Oh actually, one reason is because of her. And it's also because of hungover. Kkkk I was almost absent the class, but I thought even if I was absent I can't do anything today. so I decided …


OMG I totally forgot to write blog. Today was also Julie's class. How lucky am I. I could meet her again. Hahaha I don't know the reason, but we had to do dice game for an hour... it was super boring... I am okay to do game in the class, b…


I have shoulder, right arm and chest muscle pain now. I thing it's because of surfing and doing volleyball. Actually, yesterday when I fell down from the board, it was almost sand. I hit my shoulder strongly. It was so painful, but that ti…


Today was also loooong day. I woke up early and went to Manly with Achu to do surfing. Actualy, I did surfing in Bali island, but at that time, instructors sent us to wave point, and they set us, and told us the timing to stand up. So I co…


today was also the fun day. In Julie's class, she said "bu-bu" in friendly way when we took mistakes. But Ruby is totally opposite. She says "Hah?" by angry face. At first, I thought she's angry to us so it was a little bit, not little bit…


情報量の多い金曜日だったので、日本語!! まぁ朝から実習なんだけど、(使えない方の)ネパール3人とオージーのバイトの子と私たちでミーティング始まったから、「詰んだ」って思いました。しかもそういう日に限って、RNは好きになれないゲイだし。 ミーティ…